Ghalib Khalil: the prodigy behind RPYF

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What possibly could a 14 year old boy dream of? To the most, it could be to have a secondary-year school report card full of praises and achievements, or to have the latest gadgets the markets tend to offer. But here’s a guy with a vision. A vision, that most 14 year olds wouldn’t even think of. This vision would soon turn into reality, feeding thousands of people every year struck by natural disasters, home and abroad, and organizing for them employment opportunities so that they are self-sufficient and independent once again.
Ghalib Khalil is a 20 year lad hailing from Sialkot, who is completing his Advanced level studies (A-level) from a reputed college in Lahore. Like most 20 year olds, he too excels in most of the artistic disciplines such as photography, dance and maintaining online journals (Web blogging). But what separates him from a regular 20 year old is his NGO, Rescue Pakistan Youth Foundation (RPYF) running successfully in Pakistan since 2010, when Pakistan was hit by serious heart-wrecking floods, washing away 1500 people and thousand others being displaced. People had lost hopes in the local governing bodies. That’s when Ghalib and his friend decided to deliver.
“I thought that it was my time to prove myself, to make my dream come true and to help people.” – Ghalib Khalil
Delivering the message via social media, collecting donations door-to-door and through constant physical efforts, the dream had come true. People came up to support his cause, and more than 300 families were helped, rehabilitation camps were set, schools were built and the cause started to breathe.
“This worked out way better than I thought. I had hundreds of donors and volunteers. This was the first step towards the real success, and it gave me courage and motivation to work more.” – Ghalib Khalil sharing his experience after the establishment of RPYF in 2010
Since 2010, they have worked on various projects that ranged from granting Iftar meals in the holy month of Ramadan and providing fresh clean water to squatter settlements to raising donations in dollars to help flood-struck people in Japan. They have also worked with other welfares like Pakistan Youth Alliance, Umeed Foundation and Khana Ghar (Sialkot) to serve humanity.
Apart from serving humanity through physical efforts, he also inspires thousands of others through his writing pieces at Huffington Posts and Express Tribune and is also a motivational speaker at TEDx Sialkot.
It is a blessing to Pakistan that indeed, its future is in save hands when we see more and more people looking up to Ghalib and stepping out of their homes, empathizing what others have to share and simply making this country a better place to live in.
Conclusively, I, as a Pakistani would also like to urge each and every one reading this article, to try to live for others and if not through physical means, fulfill the duties to our country financially, giving out donations to any of the foundations working for the people, not just RPYF, so that more people are all smiles!